Friday, May 11, 2012

today jackson asked me what the word ugly meant.  
we were driving and he asked me.  out of the blue.  i asked him where he heard it and he said it was just a word he knew.  did you hear it today?  no.  what made you think of it.  its just a word i know.

it makes me sad.  i mean, i have no idea what made him think of it.  maybe it was random.  maybe somebody called him ugly.  thats the thing about letting your kids out of your sight, they could get hurt, and keep it to themselves.  

i suppose i could be overreacting.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it's hard letting your kids go out into the big scary world where you can't protect them anymore. Let's just hope he heard someone referring to a particularly unattractive lampshade! I remember Charlotte coming home from Kindergarten with her first insult from another little girl in her class.
